About Me

What's Up Team,

Well, my name is Jared. I was first introduced to internet marketing back in 09' when I was working part time at Izod. It was my first job and I was so lucky to get managers that were cool (like me). But the assistant manager was into this internet thing and talked about it a few times before I really took interest.

But what really interested me was the profit potential. At the time he was using Site Build It. A very dinosaur like program that seems to be still running strong. Anyways, we were discussing salaries and what makes a lot of money and he told me that a SBI user makes 100's of thousands a MONTH. Now I was no dummy and even doctors don't make that so how could it possibly be true??

And ever since then I've understood that this life wasn't meant to be lived mediocre. People out there are living out their dreams while I was working part time for the boss. (I was 19 at the time.)

So I've been wanting to be successful through this medium but have never had the 150% push to get through the obstacles. I'm back for another try!

Why am I back and what is Team Bottom UP?

Well, I've never fully quit from working online but the pros always say, Money isn't a big enough reason to be successful in this game. But I truly feel that my purpose is to be an inspiration to people and help the struggling people in Internet Marketing to start making money and living out their dreams. I have to make it first, but I'm so glad this blog gives me the opportunity to show people my journey and how they can also fight through the lows and fly through the highs of this amazing thing called Internet Marketing.

Team Bottom Up is exactly that! I'm hoping to along the way help others and pull them up with me through whatever means possible. Join Me!

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